Aug 3, 2019Dating ≠CompetitionWhen I was in middle school, I used to count the boys that had crushes on me. I wanted…(gosh… i groan when I write this because I know...
Apr 25, 2015Unmarried in a "We're Engaged!" WorldI just got a sudden urge to write about marriage. I resisted…because I am not married. What kind of insight could I possibly offer to a...
Sep 15, 2013Love LanguagesLately, I keep entering conversations about love and romance and God. For college-aged girls, I feel that there is a necessary balance of...
Jul 17, 2012Women Scorned or Women AdornedOn page 147 of my book The Shack, I read a simple paragraph- making so clear the dynamics of women and men: “The World is broken because...